Like tornadoes, typhoons and hurricanes happen when warm air mixes with cold air, creating intense wind, rain and flooding.
Typhoons and hurricanes are the same type of storm, but they happen in different places. Typhoons occur in the Pacific Ocean around Hawaii and Asia.
Hurricanes can be up to 600 miles wide.
They move slowly over the ocean, gaining power and speed.
When they hit hand, they can cause flooding and destroy buildings and cars. Hurricane wind can blow up to 200 miles per hour.
In the center of a hurricane is the eye of the storm. In this area, the weather is calm.
Hurricanes can last more than a week, making them very destructive.
허리케인(Hurricane)이란 북대서양, 북동태평양 등 다양한 지역에서 발생한 열대 저기압 중 최대 풍속이 시속 64kts(74마일, 119km) 이상인 것을 말한다. 허리케인은 폭풍의 신, 강대한 바람이란 뜻을 가진 후라칸이란 말에서 유래됐다. 또한 영어로 허리케인이라 할 때는 보퍼트 풍력 계급으로 풍력 12(34m/s 이상)의 바람을 가리킨다.
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